donot link aadhaar to sim cards dh 7 nov 2014
The editor,
deccan herald,
bangalore 560001,
I read the 7 nov 2014 comment on dont link aadhaar to sim cards with great interest.
as a sceptic of the niraadhaar aadhaar the comment failed to note the biggest vulnerabilities of the scheme.
IT is optional and has no parliament sanction as yet. With 27 brths and 2 deaths per minute most of them unregistered as of now, it can never be an uptodate data base. Nilekanis own information being wrong the scheme is filled with incorrect and erroneous data. Rectifying such data is harder than collecting wrong information. Relying on such information is downright dangerous if not foolhardy. Until the fundamental defects are rectified all data so collected till now is suspect and useless. Mr Nilekani the IT czar should have warned the UPA government of the glaring pitfalls of the 4.5 billion US dollar scheme than actively participate in this ill planned, executed rip off. It may be wiser to write off the wasted amount as yet another scam in UPA coffers by NDA than resurrecting the defective scheme.

deccan herald,
bangalore 560001,
I read the 7 nov 2014 comment on dont link aadhaar to sim cards with great interest.
as a sceptic of the niraadhaar aadhaar the comment failed to note the biggest vulnerabilities of the scheme.
IT is optional and has no parliament sanction as yet. With 27 brths and 2 deaths per minute most of them unregistered as of now, it can never be an uptodate data base. Nilekanis own information being wrong the scheme is filled with incorrect and erroneous data. Rectifying such data is harder than collecting wrong information. Relying on such information is downright dangerous if not foolhardy. Until the fundamental defects are rectified all data so collected till now is suspect and useless. Mr Nilekani the IT czar should have warned the UPA government of the glaring pitfalls of the 4.5 billion US dollar scheme than actively participate in this ill planned, executed rip off. It may be wiser to write off the wasted amount as yet another scam in UPA coffers by NDA than resurrecting the defective scheme.
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