I am a US Qualified Registered Microbiologist-Medical Technologist, operating my own Clinical Lab. I have been an activist advocating consumer, civic, citizen's rights for Thirty plus years & a Frequent contributor to the letters to Editor.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bhashaabhimaana "love of mother tongue" no excuse

Bhashabhimana- no excuse for CMV violation
mbnataraj - 31 Jul 2011 - 8:26am
Nice to confirm my suspicions about kannada only number plates being used for illegalities.

I have written several letters to the governor, transport commissioner, chief minister in this

regard. Bhasha abhimaana -love of the language- cannot condone violation of CMV.

Anyone be it politician or policeman condoning it is an accomplice in crime. Most of the time these fellows using kannada plates especially autodrivers are goondas, rude, obnoxious,cheats and criminals. My family avoids using kannada number plate autos. KDA chairman chandru should note. Almost all wheelie drivers who kill maim themselves and others also sport kannada number plates.

The other menace is reflecting italics, microscopic impossible to read defective plates.

Now I have seen even kannada script in italics, demonic style- like dripping blood!.

Cell phone driving, smoking while driving, multiple riding on 2 wheelers, wheelies, failure to yield, jumping redlights etc all moving violations should be additionally penalized may be to the extent of 1000 or 2000 per violation as RECKLESS PUBLIC ENDANGERMENT.

I have seen four children and 2 parents riding on one motorcylce.
In any civilized country the penalty would be for reckeless endangerment of a minor child.

Incidentally minor child is any one upto the age of 18 and considered to be under guardianship.

So underaged driving and riding with minor children would be severely penalized.

In a recent case a parent who allowed a 12 year old to drive his SUV because he had consumed wine, had his license suspended besides fines.

Without additional penalty the meagre 100, 200 rupees fine is no deterrent.


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