I am a US Qualified Registered Microbiologist-Medical Technologist, operating my own Clinical Lab. I have been an activist advocating consumer, civic, citizen's rights for Thirty plus years & a Frequent contributor to the letters to Editor.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Governor Please preserve our sanity-3Nov2007

Honorable Governor Thakur Ji,
It was with great relief and pleasure that we the suffering Bangaloreans striving to get back a city we loved read the days'
headlines that you are taking action to improve Bangalore's traffic.
For the millions who have suffered democracy's idiosyncracies for sixty years, this is a chance to see and experience that the federal system of administration , namely Governor's rule works more effectively than democracy in delivering good governance sans interference from political considerations.

We the concerned citizens have made innumerable suggestions through pulic fora, columns, debates and appeals for some suggestions to improve traffic conditions at the earliest. (http://www.petitiononline.com/banhonk/petition.html)

1) Enforce a Ban on honking, with severe penalties for unwarranted violations.
The first thing that strikes any traveller abroad is
how quiet the other civilized countries are despite the heavier traffic.
One suddenly realizes it is the absence of honking.
Each second of honk affects 8000 other inhabitants (Bangalore density 24000/sq.km)
Supreme court has mandated 45-65 db levels, and total ban on noise between 10pm and 6 am, which if enforced will virtually make the environment a SILENT VALLEY. Spot destruction of illegal musical airhorns, defective number plates, tinted glasses should be instituted.

2) Enforce Traffic Laws mercilessly and encroachment laws which affect smooth flow of vehicular and nonvehicular traffic.

All Police, RTO and corporation officials should be on duty 24/7 in uniform or out of it.

If they are understaffed, citizens and groups should be encouraged to report violations and be rewarded with an additional 10 percent extra fine from the violators. So such additionally penalized violators themselves will be doubly motivated to reform, and inculcate fear of law.
Many US villages and cities go to the extent of rewarding complainants with upto 50 percent of the fine amount, exactly for the same reason.
The additional levy could also be given to the police personnel themselves, making it their legitimate income, lessening the burden on the exchequer, improving their pay, incentive to enforcement of laws etc.

3) Enforce high occupancy vehicle norms during peak hours as in the USA. Vehicle carrying capacity should be fully utilized. It could be met by providing rides.

4) Put a cap on the new vehicle registrations, especially two wheelers.
With 24 lakh vehicles increasing at the rate of 1000/day, 60 /km length every second of the day75 percent 2 wheelers, on 4500 km narrow roads and 40000 intersections of Bangalore, strict measures are called for.

Hoping that your government will PLEASE ACT TO PRESERVE OUR SANITY.


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