I am a US Qualified Registered Microbiologist-Medical Technologist, operating my own Clinical Lab. I have been an activist advocating consumer, civic, citizen's rights for Thirty plus years & a Frequent contributor to the letters to Editor.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

SRK blog quoted in daily telegraph10dec2006


Nat (http://mbnataraj. blogspot.com) feels that it would not be easy to match Amitabh’s “class, demeanour and diction”. “Where is the question of Shah Rukh Khan being better at it? He may, over time, develop his own following, if he can come out of Amitabh’s looming shadow.”

Knee jerk reaction to handle terrorism-ledstoi29jul2008

The government's proposed move to issue identity cards
(29 Jul 2008) is a typical knee jerk reaction of a non swimmer caught in a whirlpool.

We fail to see how these identity cards restricted to major cities, help nab terrorists or prevent terror attacks.
They are more likely to breed a huge counterfeit operation to rival Telgi's stamp paper scam.

A more effective but far more economical approach would be to improve intelligence information collection and action thereon and encouraging tips by offering irresistible rewards for information.

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Philips TV 20PT1782 poor quality-service?

Buying major appliances like TVs is a decision based on customer's perceived image of the brand and prior experience of service, Some brands like philips are so well established in Indian psyche that lack of quality or service over years hardly appears to erode their image. It requires consistent disregard for the brand name to accomplish it as my experience with my 21" Philips TV-20PT1782- I bought some time ago, shows. From the beginning, It had consistent problems with psychedelic colors on screen repeatedly. It was fixed free of charge several times, during warranty period . Subsequently over the years I paid about 25 percent of the cost of TV periodically to get rid of the problem almost like a health insurance premium. Recently the authorized service centre said the tube had to be replaced at about 5000 rupees! I wanted to give Philips an opportunity to redeem their quality and service image and brand loyalty of customers. Which could have been easily redeemed, the price of a brand new TV of the same size is only about 7000, 50 percent less than what I paid for it. I have had Indian companies like Bajaj, Wipro and even ebay dealers jump at the opportunity I offered, for items years later. They perceived it as an opportunity to regain customer confidence. I am appalled that Philips despite repeated complaints to their highest level-compt # 65084 26apr2008, unresolved- do not seem to be bothered about the product performance, service quality or maitaining loyal customer relations. Under the circumstances, May be the all potential and present philips customers should beware and brand hop in search of better products and service?

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Courier companies-irritating practice-ledstoi16jul08

16 Jul 2008,
Dear Ms -------,
I am extremely pleased at the promptness your yeshwantpur office showed in appearing at my gate with in about 30 minutes of my writing.As you can see it was against all courier companies not just blue dart.you just happened to be the messenger who got shot.However, I still reiterate to you as I did to your local officials, that you need to find a less abrasive method of protecting yourself, which appeared to be the compelling reason for the practise and I could not see how demanding the phone number would help if I chose not to give you the correct number.As you can expect from any customer out to create trouble or whose intentions are not honorable.So I suggested to the officials and now to you also, that at the time of booking you can find out if the sender wants it delivered only to the named addressee,and only against photo identity or a specific proof and charge the sender extra for this service. For the sender to demand this as an extra service there will be usually a compelling legal reason and the recipient will probably be awared of the reason or the value of the item and will not hesistate providing such proof and what is more you are justifiably paid more for this additional service.I hope all courier companies follow the example.I had to raise this issue after being bombarded at all hours for phone numbers, seals etc for price lists, invitations to meaningless functions, promotional literature and other equally unimportant and unsolicited mails or items.
Sincerely yours
M B Nataraj

Dear Mr Nataraj,
Thankyou for writing to us,We value your feedback and sincerely apologise to you for theinconvenience caused to you regarding the said shipment.Request you toplease treat this as an exception and not a standard of services that westrive to achieve.We assure you the very best of services in future.Incase of further assistance,
please write back to us
Best Regards,

16 Jul 2008,
The Editor,Times of India
This is with reference to the extremely irritating practise of couriercompanies demanding phone numbers even after signing the receipt. Theydeliver at all odd hours , calling before delivery, asking fordirections landmarks etc, irritating customers even more.Some of them even threaten to take back the items.Most of the time these items are useless promotional brochures andletters.It is grossly incorrect on the part of these companies to demandpersonal information especially as the numbers may be unlisted.They should cease and desist from such a practise with immediate effectas it is leaves a bad impression about the sender and the couriercompany no matter how famous they are in the minds of the recipients. They should find less abrasive, alternatives irrespective of whatcompelling factor for them requires the phone numbersWe will not like to use such companies that might irritate or alienateour relationships and customer base.
Thanking you
Sincerely yours,
M B Nataraj
Blue dart # 12077016626 &delhi mall for info.