I am a US Qualified Registered Microbiologist-Medical Technologist, operating my own Clinical Lab. I have been an activist advocating consumer, civic, citizen's rights for Thirty plus years & a Frequent contributor to the letters to Editor.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Young arrogant drivers-LEDS-21Apr2008

Today I noticed the following violation which was the height of arrogance and indifference of todays youth's attitude to others and laws of the land.

The driver when politely told that the Hanuman temple road which was very busy at this time with many devotees and 3 deep traffic from south to north, was one way. The young rider shocked me by saying 'gottu'.
he was aware of it and still continued to drive against the oneway causing immense traffic block, and endangering the pedestrians the number is especially high on saturdays at hanuman temple.

Serious immediate exemplary action should be initiated against such arrogant and intentionally knowingly law vioaltors.

The parents of this particular driver should be made aware of the type and kind of contribution they have made to the society producing this offspring

2258) 19 Apr 2008, 20.00, KA-02-EY 1135, M/C helmetless young rider, -recklessly endangering legitimate traffic by driving south in north bound only section of hanuman temple road.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Pilot MP row-Times TVNow-10Apr2008

We fully support the pilot's action and condemn the abhorrent behaviour of the MP.The Pilot was provoked into the fray by the delay by the MP and the "glorified driver" arrogant remark. Unfortunately IUML seems to breed such arrogant and rude people's representatives, who probably feel protected by the monority tag.


Driving is a privilege offered to a minority fraction of the society by the generosity of the majority, which should be preciously utilized.
This luxury costs the society 1500 tonnes of pollutants per day, killing maiming or injuring 15000 per year in addition to the
avoidable each honking noise pollution which affects 8000 people /sec of honk in the heavily populated Bangalore city.

It is this generous majority who are at risk from reckless endangerment by underaged, drunk, lawless, cell phone using,
careless drivers 24/7.

The Police and the enforcing authorities are totally unable to enforce or protect the society from the 28 lakh drivers or the thousands that are added every day armed with more powerful and modern weapons of destruction.

To combat this menace, the authorities should make the citizens their partners in enforcement by
1) arming them with the powers to stop and demand licences from the dangerous drivers be they underaged, suspected drunks,, modified silencers, road racers, evasive number plates or obvious law violators, making it a mandatory duty, for the driver to produce the required information, by the public on demand.
For example, insurance policy and drivers licence, the basic mandatory paper work should be available before being "adjusted' by the police and the violator.
When RTI mandates even government I donot see any reason state secrecy protection offered to these basic documents by "who are you to ask"
We are the affected.

2) The enforcing authorities or the complaining public-as done in the west- should be rewarded about 15-20 Percent of the fine from the violator so that compliance and fear of law increases.

3) If the offender chooses to question the complaint in a court of law, a mere affidavit by the complainant should be sufficient to convict him.
If he further exercises his right to cross examine etc, it should be at his cost and consequence.
Reason and logic requires that the violator, prima facie tresspassing the others civic rights has waived his own.

Goondaism by KRV activists-LEDS-9apr2008

The goondaism and antisocial attitudes shown by members of Karnataka Rakshana Vedike is a dangerous trend totally against the interests of Karnataka and its peaceful people.
In a recent instance a group of Engineering students were abused, threatened and challenged by an autorickshaw driver for using English among themselves.
He threw them out of the auto before reaching their destination. He challenged them to note down his number which illegally was only in Kannada. Many Kannadigas like myself, have difficulty deciphering Kannada numerals despite being fluent in the language.

As a born Kannadiga I can see that we need to learn the necessary skills to compete in this century instead of sliding back to stone ages.
It should be most vociferously condemned by one and all.
The government and law and order enforcement should immediately wake up from their complacency and benevolent attitude towards such lalwessness by anyone, under the guise of regional patriotism and nationalism.
They should stop tolerating this kind of ransom.
It is a positively dangerous and self destructing trend which seriously , adversely affects
India's integrity and independence.

People’s representatives should respect the law -TOILEDP11Apr2008

This is an open letter to the richest IUML MP from Kerala, who was rightly thrown off the plane from Doha. I fully support the pilot’s action and condemn the abhorrent behaviour of the MP. The pilot was provoked by the MP’s delay and arrogant remark, calling the pilot a ‘glorified driver’. The people’s representatives need to understand that they should respect schedules and the law of the land if they are to represent the people.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Breaking News Online: Pilots' Association demands apology from Kerala MP

Breaking News Online: Pilots' Association demands apology from Kerala MP

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

ban honking-unlock bangalore-26 Mar 2008

The traffic situation is intolerable because of unnecessary,incessant honking.
This barbaric practise is frowned upon and heavily penalized even in the
nondeveloped countries like china and many african countries.
Yet, it is sadistically tolerated here in this country.
Each one second honk affects 8000 people adversely in a congested city like Bangalore.
It is a very high price to pay for the fault of one individual or the driver's impatience.
The problem is compounded by all vehicles fitted with very loud musical, air horns, 4 wheeler like horns on two wheelers .
It is also noticed that such vehicles are usually driven by the most horn happy impatient, drivers.
It does not prevent the hundreds of accidents that take place in Bangalore everyday.
The solution lies in heavily penalizing honking and fitting illegal horns.
Such vehicles should be spot fined and the offending horn condemned immediately.
The government or the administration does not need special powers for this, but just the will to improve the situation.
Honking is banned in many places like educational institutions, hospitals, courts, religious places etc one of which is usually found with in 300 meters every where in the city making it virtually a no honking zone.
Supreme court has banned honking and loud noises between 22.00 and 06.00.
It has also mandated 45-65 db levels in day time all of which add to the arsenal of the enforcing authorities.
No honking driving actually encourages caution as it preempts the overconfidence and recklessness cover provided by honking.
Whatever it is it will certainly make life more tolerable for the millions of nonvehicle users suffering the vagaries of intemperate vehicle users.