I am a US Qualified Registered Microbiologist-Medical Technologist, operating my own Clinical Lab. I have been an activist advocating consumer, civic, citizen's rights for Thirty plus years & a Frequent contributor to the letters to Editor.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Child's death 14 June 2006-Letters to the Editor

This is with reference to the tragic death of an innocent child who was a victim of the father's anxiety to save a few minutes.
What with the gross disregard we Indian's have towards time, it is more likely the gentleman was trying to save a few paise.

Apparently, the Child was killed when she fell off after the bike and pusher lost balance being "ridden"/ "driven" against a one way traffic.

I deeply grieve for the loss of an innocent life.
But I fail to understand logic of the police in arresting the driver of the tempo which ran over the child.

In any civilized country the tempo driver would not have been charged in the first place , much less arrested.

Most roads inBangalore have become oneway and 24/7 violations are taking place leading to unnecessary agony and despair.

Does not any one of us want to follow any law? We seem to gloat in being a nation of law breakers.

We need to make appropriate amendments to the law to prevent the police from taking such arbitrary action.

will the verdict affect Sanjay Dutt's career?

Looking at the list of our famous people of yore who went to jail and came out of it larger and bigger than ever, NO. Mahatma Gandhi,JP, Indira Gandhi, Fernandes, Devegowda,Advani etc.

will SRK be better than Amitabh at KBC?

Definitely not. Amitabh's class , demeanor and diction are a hard act to follow . Probably so even for Amitabh himself at times. So where is the question of Shah Rukh Khan being better at it? He may over time develop his own brand of following, if he overcomes Amitabh;s looming presence at KBC
Definitely not. Amitabh's class , demeanor and diction are a hard act to follow . Probably so even for Amitabh himself at times. So where is the question of Shah Rukh Khan being better at it? He may over time develop his own brand of following, if he overcomes Amitabh;s looming presence at KBC

Vikas Yadav slaps journalist in court

As a Peoples Representative, who took an oath to uphold the values of Republic of India, DP Yadav, was duty bound to produce his daughter who was a witness in a murder trial. He should not have aided and abetted evasion for seven years.This same kind of Lawlessness and SHAMELESSNESS is exhibited by his PUTRA RATNA by assaulting a media representative in full public view.The Scion is living upto the father's standards.The Prosecutor should emphasize this fact and the judge should take serious consideration of this demeanour of this criminal.As Churchill had prophesized with great prescience, Lawlessness and Shamelessness has become the qualification to becoming politicians in India.Sad is the state of Mother India.

Taxmen call on Shahrukh khan

It is but just that every Indian be called upon to pay the tax dues.However, it is unfortunate that when the big and mighty are even checked upon becomes big news.It puts all of the concerned, the investigator and the investigated under a tremendous pressure. That biases all the action that is contemplated or subsequently taken. The result is none of the involved get a fair treatment.The media attention is only on the raid. Never is there a follow up. So we are left with the first and the last(?) impression that SR Khan was raided. Even if he is cleared the IT department will be blamed for going soft under pressure.If he is guilty- if we are ever informed of it, we will be left with the impression that it was too little, too late.

Should there be zero tolerance to DUI

Of course there should be no tolerance to drunken driving. Its the most selfish act one can imagine. Would you give a loaded gun to a drunk no matter how careful he says he is?Any crimes committed driving under the influence should be considered as premeditated, intentional and deliberate. They should not be spared at any cost.

Should Shoaib Akthar be banned for life?

Ofcourse yes. He should be thus rewarded. There should be some truth to the matter as there is no smoke without fire. Smoke stinks up the atmosphere of sportsmanship. Of late, instances of player indiscipline have been on the increase. It is a form of aggression that needs to be curbed, so the cancer does not spread and become life endangering.

Should capital punishment be abolished?

No Capital punishment should not be abolished. It is not a sentence that is offhandedly delivered . It is given only in the most heinous, inhuman murders. Now a days Murders are committed for trivial matters- few rupees, few feet of land, few words said in anger and most appallingly business rivalry. Fear of law has almost disappeared. If we have to have a law abiding society some fear of law is essential. To maintain that harsh sentences are very necessary.
No Capital punishment should not be abolished. It is not a sentence that is offhandedly delivered . It is given only in the most heinous, inhuman murders. Now a days Murders are committed for trivial matters- few rupees, few feet of land, few words said in anger and most appallingly business rivalry. Fear of law has almost disappeared. If we have to have a law abiding society some fear of law is essential. To maintain that harsh sentences are very necessary

Should HIV Positives disclose their status at work?

Positively NO. It is a personal,medical information, strictly irrelevant to anyone except those sexually associated with that individual. It is not contagious.

Should Afzal be Hanged?

If an alleged killer of a Taxi Driver in Pakistan can be awarded death sentence, why should not someone who waged a war against the sovereignity of a Nation, killed its Soldiers and citizens be hanged?
If an alleged killer of a Taxi Driver in Pakistan can be awarded death sentence, why should not someone who waged a war against the sovereignity of a Nation, killed its Soldiers and citizens be hanged?

Saibaba a god send?

In a mystique ridden country like ours, everything cannot be explained by science, reason,logic. They have their own limitations.I personally do not believe in his magical powers or supernatural powers he is said to claim.It is an individuals personal belief and faith that makes him follow Satya sai Babaji.But I do respect him for the extraordinary social work he has been doing for decades. That is admirable.We suffer and tolerate the politicians and government officials we are cursed with who rob the nation for personal gains.In such a situation we are blessed with a few great souls Like Satya Sai Baba ji, who plough back their personal blessings for the betterment of the society.

Karan Thapar thrashes Jethmalani

The country is deeply indebted to Karan Thapar. He valiantly, boldly brought out the shocking trends in Mr Jethmalani's personality to the fore. This despite the futile impossibility of dealing with Ram's overinflated super ego (vishwakaaram-gaganasadrusham and unfortunately depressing meghavarnam) tinged with megalomania(?).It is interesting that the "Criminal" Lawyer took up the case not because he was convinced of Manu Sharma's innocence or justice was gravely miscarried. Manu was as per law "INNOCENT"! So where was the overriding need for the Devil's Advocate Jethmalani?I strongly suspect that Jethmalani has no use for a mirror or public opinion. To see what the world sees him as. He has even been called an ass hole in the cyberspace. THAT IS VERY UNFAIR. Assholes have a very critical role of ridding the body of toxic wastes. When it fails, it can Kill the body(read civilized society). Thank the Providence that this man self destructed himself like the mythological Bhasmasura-before he sneaked into the higher levels of power in the Government of India. I shudder to think what would have happened if he had become the Prime Minister or President of this Land of ours.Thanks to Karan Thapar and IBN for baring this Man.

Largest number of Diabetics in India -culprit Urban life style ?

Urban life style is one of the major culprits.
It may not have increased in frequency significantly. You hear of more people dying of cancer while actually the frequency of many forms of cancer have remained unchanged.It is just that more people are conscious of the disease because of ease of detection through camps,home testing and laboratory services. There is an increased public awareness through improved communications.

Is the domestic violence law harsh on men?

Not at all. The degree of violence exhibited towards spouses appears to depend on the social and economic level of the couple. Lower the level higher then tensions and hence higher level of violence. As a rule no matter what the provocation is physical violence is no excuse. The inherent, implicit idea that man has a right to be violent, has become a part of the society and culture, Its grossly wrong and should be abhorred.

Is Ram Jethmalani right in defending Manu Sharma?

As an ideal, of lawyers, is to make sure that even the guilty are entitled to due process of law, is admirable. Sometimes, some lawyers, appear to overcome their natural distaste for social crimes like this and the consequences of ignoring public opinion, to defend such scum of the society. They should remember the Mysore City Lawyers decision not to represent the MYSORE PAK Terrorists. Lawyers should draw the line to stop and let their natural abhorrence-if any- take over their ideals. No one, not even Manu Sharmas or Timothy Mcveigh's would grudge them that.

Is Rahul Mahajan a wife beater?

I was impressed with Rahul Mahajan's composure and dignified demeanour at his father's funeral.Now in retropsect was it a dopey haze?It is not surprising that kids like Rahul, accustomed to getting their way unquestioned lash out at any attempt to control them in any way.The way every photograph is questioned as doctored to deny facts is pathetic.Not long ago what you heard(ex. AIR news) was real,soon only what you read or saw only could be real.Now nothing is real! We are evolving towards the Peak of Indian philosophythat everything is MAYA, thanks to these politicians.

Jessica Lal Character-reader Jaguar25 opinion!

What a double standard Jaguar25. Are you a Male? I suspect you are. I am. " Bar Tender womans can have no character . " (sic). History shows that Any society that does not respect Women will be evetually destroyed. I hope you have some "character" to make up for what the Bar tender woman lacks. If you are a male indeed, dont you think you share some responsibility in putting women in that position? Grow up, act and think mature my friend.

Angelina Jolies body guards Arrested

Glad we showed these foreigners they cannot behave anyway they want if they have light skins. The boors.Would our actors be allowed gun toting body guards when shooting outside India?The school in its quest for money or publicity over stepped its borders.What a shameful pitiful excuse that the school claims it had the necessary permission?No Permission/licence granted even by the highest authority in the land is valid for illegal and unlawful behaviour.

Ram Jethmalani gave Jessica Lal Character

I Forget why Mr Jethmalani quit the Government.He did quit it in a huff suddenly, is what I remember. The gentleman seems to havean attitude problem, painting himself into a corner and shouting hoarse.Has he ever defended the economically/politically weaker side in a case for the sake of justice? If he is not on the side of the moneyed and rich (read wrong usually) how is it we donot hear about any of the cases where he defended the moneyless just to uphold the right? I hope, it is not his contention that the only rich are always right.

Anant-Adobe's CEO's son-rescue restored faith in police?

A resounding YES. I have always had full faith in the ability of our police forces to act. It is the political interference and the miserable shameful salaries we pay our defenders that is the cause of police inefficiency and corruption. TAKE THE POLITICIANS POWER TO INTERFERE IN DAILY ADMINISTRATION AWAY and WE WILL HAVE A SYSTEM THAT WORKS.
A resounding YES. I have always had full faith in the ability of our police forces to act. It is the political interference and the miserable shameful salaries we pay our defenders that is the cause of police inefficiency and corruption. TAKE THE POLITICIANS POWER TO INTERFERE IN DAILY ADMINISTRATION AWAY and WE WILL HAVE A SYSTEM THAT WORKS.

Has Santosh Singh got what he deserved?

Yes, though it is a little late in the day and so it has lost its meaning as a deterrent. Our Justice system needs to be speeded up and witnesses protected against tampering, intimidation and coersion by the perpetrators who appear to be all wealthy and influential. I guess only the wealthy and influential get away with murders anyway

Are incidents of Youth and drunken driving increasing?

Undoubtedly. Generous(read unlimited) allowances,parental habits, extensive influence of TV, easy availability and peer pressure has made kids uncontrollable in this Habit.We had two Karnataka Putra Ratnas(they should have been so awarded in this golden year jubilee of Karnataka) misbehaving disgustingly illegally in the news recently.If anyone had any doubts about why this happens, the complacent explanations of the parents- Bidapa and Kumaraswamy should have given us a clue why. A public reprimand could have done wonders to the spoilt ill behaved brats.Kumaraswamy even had the gall to compare the creepy son to Mahatma Gandhi. That takes some audacity in the face of adversity.

Dalit Girl Burnt Alive by rapist for refusing to retract complaint

Brilliant suggestion Manas that Murderer Chottseingh's case be referred to Mr Jethmalani.Mr Jethmalani can get a life long stream of cases as long as our society harbors,nurtures and nourishes chotte Singh, Manu Sharma and similar Ratnas.In USA there are "Ambulance Chasers", Lawyers who follow emergency vehicles. They stick their business cards even into dead peoples fingers and palms in search of a case. Here they just drop at Jethmalanis door steps.

Bharati Yadav, Nitish's Girl Friend finally brought to court

Here is the evidence that Wheels of Justice grind,SLOWLY BUT SURELY.

are Indian Men too quick in Bed?

Indian men's attitude towards sex can be paraphrased in to "WHAM BAM -"from the original Wham bam thank you maam.The attitude is myself and me. Is it because of the long umbilical cords Indian men flaunt?
It never seems to get cut in Indian men.

Angelina Jolie's guards misbehave

Police were doing their duty. Once a complaint was filed they had to act. No point in blaming them.If any blame lies, blame the school for not organizing the sell out properly and the body guards for their unguarded foolish remarks. No country would have tolerated such behaviour from visitors.

Adobe India's son Anant kidnapped

Some of the comments are grotesquely heartless. Nay a positively dangerous trend. Our social conscience appears to have been anesthetised by lawlessness, powerlessness of enforcers to uphold the law and its misuse by politicians. The total lack of fear of law and its inability to punish appropriately seems to be the fundamental problem.God Save India.

Should saddam be hanged?

No. If the Iraqi people themselves had rebelled against his regime, tried and found him guilty- may be. When a foreign power whose creation he was gets tired of him and decides to INVADE and teach him a lesson of actual or imagined slights . Sets up a puppet government and court, tries him and finds him guilty, it reeks of injustice. US has never been justified in most of the places it has invaded and Cowboy Bush regime is probably the worst ever for the concept of democracy anywhere ever. The recent world opinion poll castigating his antics should open his and the US eyes if any are still capable of seeing and reading the signs on the wall. I guess there is a mythological Mohini for every Bhasmasura. Bin Laden and countless other who may crop up.
No. If the Iraqi people themselves had rebelled against his regime, tried and found him guilty- may be. When a foreign power whose creation he was gets tired of him and decides to INVADE and teach him a lesson of actual or imagined slights . Sets up a puppet government and court, tries him and finds him guilty, it reeks of injustice. US has never been justified in most of the places it has invaded and Cowboy Bush regime is probably the worst ever for the concept of democracy anywhere ever. The recent world opinion poll castigating his antics should open his and the US eyes if any are still capable of seeing and reading the signs on the wall. I guess there is a mythological Mohini for every Bhasmasura. Bin Laden and countless other who may crop up.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Do med techs get respect in your country

I have been in the field since 1978 here in India.
I have always received utmost respect and courtsey from all my patients and
It reaches levels that are reserved for doctors and surgeons in most parts of the world.

This may be partly due to the fact that many patients may not be aware that we are not doctors. However it does not fully explain the respect we get from doctors themselves. May be part reason is that we are allopathic lab practioners and here we have medical practioners from different areas like homeopathy,siddha, and ayurveda in addition to allopathy.
Anyway it sure feels good to be treated with dignity and respect.

Nikhil Kumaraswamy's escapades

Sadhya-Thank god-! The enlightened father on a spree to lengthen the Suvarna Karnataka awardees list this year, did not choose to institute a Karnataka Putra Ratna award for the most spoilt name dropping Brats /relatives of VIPs in this Suvarna Karnataka. We would have three entries atleast with Nikhil Gowda, Adam Bidapa and SN's grand nephew. We should not forget Kengal Hanumanthaiah's kin either at this auspicious moment.

should capital punishment be abolished in India

No Capital punishment should not be abolished. It is not a sentence that is offhandedly delivered . It is given only in the most heinous, inhuman murders. Now a days Murders are committed for trivial matters- few rupees, few feet of land, few words said in anger and most appallingly business rivalry. Fear of law has almost disappeared. If we have to have a law abiding society some fear of law is essential. To maintain that harsh sentences are very necessary.
No Capital punishment should not be abolished. It is not a sentence that is offhandedly delivered . It is given only in the most heinous, inhuman murders. Now a days Murders are committed for trivial matters- few rupees, few feet of land, few words said in anger and most appallingly business rivalry. Fear of law has almost disappeared. If we have to have a law abiding society some fear of law is essential. To maintain that harsh sentences are very necessary.